Katika Kliniki yetu ya Meno tuna madaktari 2 wa upasuaji wa meno, madaktari wa meno 1, mafundi 2 wa meno na wahudumu 2 wa matibabu. Kliniki ina viti 5 vya meno na x-ray (periapical na orthopantogram). Pia tunayo maabara ya meno yenye vifaa vya kutosha.
Kwa timu yetu iliyohamasishwa sana kwa kawaida huwahudumia wagonjwa 10-12 kwa siku, lakini idadi inaweza kupanda hadi wagonjwa 20 kwa siku kulingana na msimu.
We provide emergency surgical services such as tooth extraction as well as restorative services such as tooth filling, root canal treatment and dentures.
With the presence of modern diagnostic aids we aim to reduce the number of tooth extractions and increase filling and endodontic procedures in order to preserve teeth as much as possible. We also offer dental surgical procedures, major and minor.
Specialized surgical procedures are performed by maxilla facial surgeons, who are visiting us regularly from Muhimbili National Hospital.