In November 2018 and again in June, 2019, Dr. Soeren Gatz and Mrs. Ottilie Ecke visited us in Ndanda in order to establish a video-endoscopy unit in our hospital.
Intensive teaching sessions were conducted for our doctors and nurses, as well as for doctors from surrounding hospitals.
Meanwhile, video-gastroscopy, colonoscopy and bronchoscopy are performed with modern equipment and high quality.
Apart from diagnostic investigations we are now also able to perform interventional endoscopy with procedures like clipping, injection of adrenalin and ligature of oesophageal varices. Also foreign bodies can be removed from the larynx, trachea, oesophagus and stomach.
The number of patients has increased from about 12/month in 2018 towards about 50 patients/month in 2019 and is still increasing.
The price for the endoscopy investigations is very cheap for our patients (30.000 TSh).