
Dental Camp

From 23.5. until 26.5.2022, a dental camp has been performed at our facility. 20 dental surgeons from various parts of Tanzania have visited us for screening and treatment of patients. For examination of general public, a tent had been prepared nearby the hospital. Some of the dentists went for outreach to primary schools as well as to schools for children with special needs (e.g. Albino, handicapped or blind children) within a radius of 100 km around Ndanda.
All children and adults with teeth problems were referred to our dental clinic for treatment.

727 children have been screened during the outreach and 70 to 80% of them had teeth problems. Most children had poor oral hygiene and caries and some of them other problems like mal-occlusion or cleft lip. Treatment was recommended to all of them. Thanks to our project “exemption for children”, we were able to offer treatment for poor children free of charge.
120 mostly adult clients reported for examination and screening at the dental tent and 116 patients were treated at our dental clinic.
Altogether, the camp was a great success and it is our hope that the specialists will visit us again next year.