Due to Covid 19 pandemic, the demand of oxygen has increased in most hospitals, including our facility in Ndanda.
In 2020, we have successfully installed an oxygen production plant, which provides oxygen and compressed air for our new ICU, NICU, dialysis, maternity and theatre. The medical gases are transported to the respective areas through pipelines.
As an upgrade of the existing oxygen plant, we are in the process of installation of an oxygen filling station.
With the filling station, oxygen can be stored in cylinders at a pressure of 100 – 150 bar.
Oxygen cylinders are required for transport of patients in need of oxygen. The filling station will also enable us to provide oxygen to the surrounding hospitals. And last but not least, the cylinders are very useful as a backup for the oxygen plant. In case of technical defect, oxygen will be provided by cylinders through an automatic manifold.
Simultaneously with installation of the filling station, we are planning an extension of the oxygen pipelines towards paediatric ward, OPD/Emergency department and Private Ward.
We have already signed the contract for this project early in July 2021. Due to Covid 19, the time for manufacturing and transport is prolonged. We expect delivery and installation by December of this year 2021.