
CT Scan

Renovation of the wards

Our wards were constructed between 1965 and 1970 and do not meet current requirements and standards.  Windows are broken, parts of the roofs are leaking water, patients are lacking privacy, the toilets are not disability-friendly etc.. 
Renovations are urgently needed, including comprehensive renovation of the wards, rehabilitation of rain water pipes, renovation of the corridors and construction of disability-friendly toilets.

From September until December 2021, we managed renovate our male orthopaedic ward and the corridors.
In September 2022, we have finalized renovation of male medical ward, in January 2023  renovation of female medical ward and in October 2023 renovation of male surgical ward.
Privacy for the patients has been achieved through installation of partitions and curtains. All beds have access to oxygen and nurse call system. The central position of the nurse base in the room allows close monitoring of the patients. 
All toilets of the wards have been renovated between September 2021 and September 2023.
Renovation of our prenatal ward has started in November 2023 and is expected to be finished by February 2024.