
Endoscopy Unit

In our endoscopy unit, video-gastroscopy, colonoscopy and bronchoscopy are performed with modern equipment and best quality. We are using two endoscopy towers with 5 gastroscopes, two colonoscopes and one bronchoscope. The services are provided in newly renovated rooms with conducive environment for our patients and for our staff.
Endoscopies are performed by one specialist and his team, comprising two Medical Doctors (MD) and 6 endoscopy nurses. The team received training by Senior Experts from Germany. Others have absolved an attachment at the endoscopy department of Muhimbili National Hospital/Dar Es Salaam. 

We are using modern video endoscopy that is capable of making diagnosis and various interventional procedures. All procedures are performed under short general anaesthesia. Most common findings are gastritis, peptic ulcers, esophageal or gastric varices. Some patients are detected to have gastro-intestinal tumors.
The following interventions are performed: Foreign body removal, banding of varices, adrenalin injection to bleeding vessels, polypectomy, dilatation of achalasia and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. ERCP is done by Senior Experts during endoscopy camps. Biopsy specimens are taken if required and the results are available within 2 weeks. 
The number of endoscopies done at our facility has increased from 187 in 2018 towards 1043 in 2021 and continues to increase.
The demand for these investigations is high, because there is a high prevalence of undiagnosed gastrointestinal diseases in the region around Ndanda. And in the Southern Corridor of Tanzania we are the only institute offering these specialized services.