About 200 – 400 patients are treated at our General Out-Patient Department (OPD) per day. The Manchester visual Triage System is used for triage of patients.
Our team at General OPD comprises of two physicians, seven Medical Doctors (MD), two Assistant Medical Officers and 3-4 intern doctors as well as 11 nurses.
Our doctors at OPD are working in a shift system and the services provided also include Private OPD and OPD for patients with health insurance.
For special services, we offer diabetes clinic, hypertension clinic, psychiatric clinic, CTC as well as nutrition service to our patients.
Specialist clinics are also available in the areas of internal medicine (daily), gynaecology (daily), orthopedic & general surgery (daily), paediatrics (daily) as well as for cardiology, ENT and nephrology (once per month).