Our mission is to offer high quality medical services for an affordable price for our patients. We are struggeling to cover the main part of our running costs with our own sources and government grants.
Donations, however, are needed for our social fund, which enables us to provide exemption for poor patients, who are not able to pay for our services. We also need financial support for our projects .
For donations you may use the following bank connections:
Account holder: Missionsprokura der Erzabtei St. Ottilien
IBAN DE89 7005 2060 0000 0146 54
Bank institute: Sparkasse Landsberg-Diessen, Germany
Reference: Ndanda Hospital, (poor patients or name of the project)
Account holder: Missionsprokura der Abtei Münsterschwarzach
IBAN: DE51 7509 0300 0003 0150 33
Bank institute: Liga Bank Regensburg, Germany
Reference: Ndanda Hospital, (poor patients or name of the project)
Account holder: Benediktiner-Missionare
IBAN: CH02 0900 0000 9000 6990 0
Bank institute: Postfinance, Switzerland
Reference: Ndanda Hospital, (poor patients or name of the project)