On 17.8.2021, our new CT Scan machine has arrived in Ndanda. Installation was done in September 2021. Soon after that, the machine and the radiation protection room have been approved by TAEC.
From 4th until 8th of October, the Siemens application specialist has visited us and has provided training for our staff as well as for 5 radiographers of surrounding facilities.
Henceforward, the investigation is available for cash patients. For patients with insurance (NHIF), it will be available soon - presumably by January, 2022.
During application training, two young patients with intracranial bleeding have been investigated. Both patients have been operated successfully by an orthopaedic surgeon from Muhimbili National Hospital and they are doing fine. Without CT scan, both patients would have died.
Until end of November 2021, 77 CT scans have been performed. For most of these patients, the investigation was crucial for correct diagnosis and treatment.
Availability of CT Scan is a milestone in the development of our hospital and a quantum leap forward for the health care of the population of southern Tanzania and northern Mozambique.