Our wards were constructed between 1965 and 1970. Since long time, they do not meet with current standards and renovations are urgently needed.
Thanks to a generous donation from Mrs. Kleiner, Mindelheim, Germany, in memoriam of her deceased husband Mr. Ludwig Kleiner, we managed to realize a comprehensive renovation of our Male Medical Ward (Ward 4).
The targets were to provide more privacy for our patients, to enable close monitoring by the nurses, to provide oxygen outlets to each bed, to install adaequate illumination and to optimize hygiene.
Construction started in May 2022 and hand-over took place on 16th of September. Privacy for the patients has been achieved through installation of partitions and curtains. Close monitoring of the patients is available thanks to the installation of a nurse call system and due to the central position of the nurse base in the room. Two beds adjacent to the nurse base are prepared as High Dependency Unit. An isolation room is available for infectious patients. Each bed is equipped with access to oxygen. Disinfectant dispensers facilitate hygiene and help to minimize nosocomial infections. Adequate illumination is ensured through smart LED-lamps.